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I will continue to push through every obstacle that works to damage who I want to be.

1. Graduate Undergrad with communication major and entrepreneurship minor.

It's important for me to stay focused and graduate because I cannot let my hard work go to waste. The things that I learn here will help me with my future career.

2. Develop my blog and brand.

Creating a blog is a must for me because I love media and to write! This gives me the opportunity to share my ideas and passions with others. My brand is important because the things I want to do with my future, I will most likely have eyes on me. I need to keep up with my brand so that the best me is always shown.



1. Write for a well know magazine print or web. Or model for one, whichever God plans.

Writing just for my blog would be okay, but writing for a magazine like Teen Vogue has been a dream of mine. 

2. Create my own website or app.

With my ideas, I hope to be able to create an interactive website or app for anyone to use. I'm not sure what content I want on these yet, but I am thinking now!

3. Write a book.

I have been writing pieces that touch my heart and are very powerful to me. These thoughts need to be shared with others. I will work through my college career writing and hopefully after I can put everything together to create a book.


1. Be my own boss.

With writing and creating, I do not believe I need someone telling me how to create. I have my own visions that I would like to develop with a team of people.

2. Teach other minority girls how to become successful and follow their dreams.

Support for minority girls is something that was not given to me during middle or high school. I want to be able to create workshops and give minority girls the help that I wish I had at those ages. 

3. Support my family. 

It is important to me to make sure my family is doing well. By this time in my life, I will not have everything figured out, but hopefully, I have enough to give and support them.

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